Top 5 muscle-building foods that certainly work wonders


Muscle building is a process that demands a lot of consideration in terms of diet and exercise. It is the food that helps you build muscles whereas the workouts give your muscles strength. But if you want to flaunt your muscle building, you need to add a twist to your diet plan in order to reduce the fat layers of your body. Here are 5 such superfoods that help you in muscle building and reducing body fat at the same time. Have a read!

5 muscle-building foods that burn fat:

1. Green tea

Many studies have shown that green tea is a superfood that helps boost metabolism. It increases energy expenditure in the body. Green tea extracts increase metabolic rate by around 4-5% over a period of 24 hours. This might be because of the rich concentration of Catechin Polyphenols in green tea. If you include this to your everyday diet plan, it may help your body exaggerate the levels of fat burning.

2. Whey protein

Whey protein is one of the best muscle building supplements. Whey is rich in proteins and provides a significant amount of calories; it is good to consume it over a carbohydrate-rich diet. The reason is that high-carb food can accumulate fat in body parts which is afterward difficult to get rid of. Peak areas are belly, abdomen, thighs and upper arms. Moreover if you think that whey protein powder is a weight gainer supplement, you are mistaken. On the contrary, it is rich in high-proteins and antioxidants that work wonders in reducing the body fat while giving strength to your muscles.

2. Milk milk!

From our childhood, we have been taught that milk is a whole protein and should be consumed on a daily basis. Yes, it is the best source of protein and calcium. If you are lacking calcium, it can lead to the release of calcitriol which is a hormone responsible for fat storing. Plus, calcium deficiency often results in weak metabolism. So again, fat buildup! So it’s better to take this superfood for muscle building. Opt for low-fat milk or milk products such as yogurt and cheese but not in high proportion, remember it!

4. Yogurt

The inclusion of yogurt in diet isn’t new; it has been used for thousands of years considering its benefits. It is made by adding into milk some live bacteria. It further offers a lot more benefits to your digestive system by acting as a probiotic. Yogurt is rich in protein and essential amino acids which are easy to digest.

5. Eggs

Eggs are the best muscle mass gainer if you are a non-vegetarian. They are a nutrient-rich package, best for muscle building and that also, in less than 80 calories. Together with this, they are best when you wish to shred your body fat while not compromising with the muscle building. In fewer calories, eggs provide you a nutritional and protein-rich meal. A good thing to note here is that having a habit of daily consuming eggs results in lowered food intake.

These muscle-building foods are wonderful and can do wonders if you include them to your diet routine. If you want to get more such tips for healthy muscle building, keep watching out our muscle building blogs.

Which protein food you would like to use for muscle gain?


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